To help educate people to make an informed decision regarding Pitbulls.

"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went"~Will Rogers
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Blog Post
The ATTS test cited is NOT a test given to evaluate dogs as safe family is a test that evaluates working drive in dogs. It is used primarily to evaluate dogs for bitework/protection sports like shutzhund and french ring. It does not test for dog/dog aggresion, the most common temperament problem in pit bulls. Dogs can fail NOT because they are aggressive, but because they fail the tracking portion of the test by refusing to walk across wire grating. Schutzhund trained dogs are allowed an aggressive response to the "threatening stranger", and guarding/fighting breeds can fail if they back away fearfully from the threatening stranger.....they can fail for not being aggressive enough.