To help educate people to make an informed decision regarding Pitbulls.

"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went"~Will Rogers
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Dog owner facing charges after her chow mauls neighbors dog to death
"I am sorry but I was not there. It was not my fault," said Minnie Johnson." (Chow owner)
This is why we need more animal laws with some "bite" to them to give serious consequences to owners of dogs that attack.
"I am sorry but I was not there. It was not my fault," said Minnie Johnson." (Chow owner)
This is why we need more animal laws with some "bite" to them to give serious consequences to owners of dogs that attack.
Indy Officer Accused of Trying to Hit Dog, Shooting It
"He didn't care at all that he had just taken a family dog away from my kids...when my kids are sitting in there crying asking where his dog is," said White."
An officer's concern is the health and welfare of others. The dog should have never been loose in the first place. Any blame needs to be on the owners for being irresponsible.
"He didn't care at all that he had just taken a family dog away from my kids...when my kids are sitting in there crying asking where his dog is," said White."
An officer's concern is the health and welfare of others. The dog should have never been loose in the first place. Any blame needs to be on the owners for being irresponsible.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Dog attack ruling: terrier to be destroyed
“It’s true character was revealed immediately upon being allowed out to the community,” he said.
“It’s true character was revealed immediately upon being allowed out to the community,” he said.
Three pit bulls kill neighbor's dog
Another case of a dog looses it's life because an owner can't contain his dogs and the city doesn't help. Someone should have shot thse dogs.
Another case of a dog looses it's life because an owner can't contain his dogs and the city doesn't help. Someone should have shot thse dogs.
Judge rules euthanization can proceed against dog that killed child
"In the meantime, Onion's lawyers said they would appeal Kishner's ruling to the Nevada Supreme Court in hopes to saving the dog before it is put down." The court, I would think, will decline to hear the case.
"In the meantime, Onion's lawyers said they would appeal Kishner's ruling to the Nevada Supreme Court in hopes to saving the dog before it is put down." The court, I would think, will decline to hear the case.
Another Attack: Pit Bull Kills Poodle, Then Bites the Owner
At least the owner killed the attacking pit so he didn't live to attack again. Frankly, I think anyone who gets a pit type dog needs to have a home visit done prior to getting the dog to access if they can properly contain the dog. I guess if large dogs are running loose sometimes you just need to take care of the problem if the city(or dog owner) won't help. No reason this poodle needed to lose it's life because of these crappy dog owners.
At least the owner killed the attacking pit so he didn't live to attack again. Frankly, I think anyone who gets a pit type dog needs to have a home visit done prior to getting the dog to access if they can properly contain the dog. I guess if large dogs are running loose sometimes you just need to take care of the problem if the city(or dog owner) won't help. No reason this poodle needed to lose it's life because of these crappy dog owners.
Good Samaritan hurt when Isleton officer fires at attacking dog
Of course pit nutters are blaming the officer. He did what he had to do.
Of course pit nutters are blaming the officer. He did what he had to do.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
New Mexico Breeders Defend Pit Bulls After Baby Is Killed
Note the "Bone Crusher" kennel name. That will really instill confidence with the general public about pits. Nice. Of course breeders are going to say this crap.
Note the "Bone Crusher" kennel name. That will really instill confidence with the general public about pits. Nice. Of course breeders are going to say this crap.
Flint boy charged in dogfighting case back in custody|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s
The 14-year-old is charged with one count of torturing animals and one count of dog fighting.
The torture charge is a four-year felony with possible fines of up to $5,000 for the first animal and $2,500 for each subsequent animal. Dog fighting is also a four-year felony with fines up to $50,000 and up to 1,000 hours of community service.
The 14-year-old is charged with one count of torturing animals and one count of dog fighting.
The torture charge is a four-year felony with possible fines of up to $5,000 for the first animal and $2,500 for each subsequent animal. Dog fighting is also a four-year felony with fines up to $50,000 and up to 1,000 hours of community service.
Family pet killed in dog attack
"Mr Anderson said the pair walking the dog stopped and let their dog attack Rex, without trying to walk away or stop him." Lowlife type of dog owners. What goes around, comes around.
"Mr Anderson said the pair walking the dog stopped and let their dog attack Rex, without trying to walk away or stop him." Lowlife type of dog owners. What goes around, comes around.
This is an example of the BS Comments to Expect from the Pitty Posse
"Countless studies have proven that Pit-Bulls are a gentle breed and only bite when they are provoked…Did they ever find out what the 74 year old man did to provoke this gentle canine? I am sure that he did something to the dog or this never would have happened…"
Seriously??? The problem with pit bulls is the things that "provoke" them are things that usually won't provoke another dog to kill. Such as someone walking by, a dog being in the yard next door or down the block, dropping a pillow and picking it up, etc.
Are breed-specific laws needed for pit bulls?
"Frankly, I'm just sick to my heart about inherently and repeatedly vicious and sometimes (how often/many is enough?) minority socially embraced deadly dog "pets" being mercifully defended here until I want to puke.
Innocent people are grave-yard dead and life-time mauled and physically/mentally scarred because of pit-bull and other types of historically vicious and deadly breed dogs. Forget the warm and fuzzy factor when you can-not convince the general public that it will not happen again. Even in your own living room or fenced yard.
It just WILL AGAIN as the sun will rise, somewhere, some time, to some one.
That is an absolute fact just waiting for time to play out. Two deaths within two weeks is just the worst. And here in our area.
Draw your own final solutions to save yourself from jail or public or even criminal lawsuits. It will happen again, here, there, and elsewhere. Going to prison or into debt forever for your damned dog is more than stupid and you and your vicious dog will deserve it.
You totally don't want me on a jury of your peers.
Denial and defense won't ever bring back a dead human or other animal a bad "pet" has killed.
I really wished I didn't feel this way, but your absolute fuzzy facts and slanted statistics won't ever bring back the innocent dead. It must be said....again. You can't beat my facts. Amen."
"Frankly, I'm just sick to my heart about inherently and repeatedly vicious and sometimes (how often/many is enough?) minority socially embraced deadly dog "pets" being mercifully defended here until I want to puke.
Innocent people are grave-yard dead and life-time mauled and physically/mentally scarred because of pit-bull and other types of historically vicious and deadly breed dogs. Forget the warm and fuzzy factor when you can-not convince the general public that it will not happen again. Even in your own living room or fenced yard.
It just WILL AGAIN as the sun will rise, somewhere, some time, to some one.
That is an absolute fact just waiting for time to play out. Two deaths within two weeks is just the worst. And here in our area.
Draw your own final solutions to save yourself from jail or public or even criminal lawsuits. It will happen again, here, there, and elsewhere. Going to prison or into debt forever for your damned dog is more than stupid and you and your vicious dog will deserve it.
You totally don't want me on a jury of your peers.
Denial and defense won't ever bring back a dead human or other animal a bad "pet" has killed.
I really wished I didn't feel this way, but your absolute fuzzy facts and slanted statistics won't ever bring back the innocent dead. It must be said....again. You can't beat my facts. Amen."
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Man stabs pit bull to death to save dachshund in Roseburg
"Six men tried to separate the animals, but when they realized the dachshund was being torn apart, Patton says he asked the pit bull's owner if he could kill it. He says she said yes."
***I wouldn't have wasted the time asking....I just would have done it to protect my dog. The rights of the attackee override the rights of the attacker.
"The pit bull owners told KPIC they did not give Patton permission to stab their dog."****As far as I'm concerned, the owners shouldn't have had to get permission to save his dog from getting killed. If the pit owner wasn't able to get their hands in their dogs mouth to pry it off(without the benefit of a break stick), then the victim's owner had a right to use excessive force for save his dog.
"Six men tried to separate the animals, but when they realized the dachshund was being torn apart, Patton says he asked the pit bull's owner if he could kill it. He says she said yes."
***I wouldn't have wasted the time asking....I just would have done it to protect my dog. The rights of the attackee override the rights of the attacker.
"The pit bull owners told KPIC they did not give Patton permission to stab their dog."****As far as I'm concerned, the owners shouldn't have had to get permission to save his dog from getting killed. If the pit owner wasn't able to get their hands in their dogs mouth to pry it off(without the benefit of a break stick), then the victim's owner had a right to use excessive force for save his dog.
Boy recovering from pit bull attack
"Tracy Tupper says she found her son in a pool of blood and the dog latched onto his neck."
"Tracy Tupper says she found her son in a pool of blood and the dog latched onto his neck."
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Castro Valley toddler mauled by family dog, the second East Bay attack in two days
"Nelson said investigators are still piecing together exactly what happened and have received conflicted stories from the boys' parents about the location of the attack."
"Nelson said investigators are still piecing together exactly what happened and have received conflicted stories from the boys' parents about the location of the attack."
Oh to be young and dumb...
So one of the many young people, that of course are the ones drawn to the pitbull "plight", comment that they were "winning due to this: flash for ya..pitbulls will continue to be the most passed up dog in shelters and continue to be euthanized at a high rate more than any other dog due to lack of people that want them. So I hardly think you are really winning anything at all.
Temporary injunction saves killer dog
"They're willing to take the dog, evaluate the dog and rehabilitate the dog," Rosenthal said. "The dog can stay there as long as need be, including the rest of his life, if it turns out there is an aggression issue."
"They're willing to take the dog, evaluate the dog and rehabilitate the dog," Rosenthal said. "The dog can stay there as long as need be, including the rest of his life, if it turns out there is an aggression issue."
Monday, May 7, 2012
Spix's Macaw
Picture is the three Macaws last seen in 1986. No Spix Macaw's have been seen in the wild since 2000 after the disapperance of a lone male. The story was written by Tony Juniper, The Spix Macaw-the Race to Save the World's Rarest Bird.
One of the rare Macaws. Currently believed to be extinct in the wild due to poaching. The Spix's Macaw is the only species in its genus Cyanopsitta, and one of only four species of "blue macaws." Of the other three, the Glaucous Macaw has not been reliably sighted in over 50 years despite systematic searches and is presumed extinct. The Lear's Macaw is designated "Critical," and numbers in the low hundreds in the wild. The largest and best known of the four, the Hyacinth is now "Endangered" by the IUCN's Red List. Efforts to halt the trade in these species and to promote their recovery in the wild are ongoing in their native range in Brazil. A handfull of organizations are currently working to increase the small population of this wonderful blue Macaw.'s_Macaw
One of the rare Macaws. Currently believed to be extinct in the wild due to poaching. The Spix's Macaw is the only species in its genus Cyanopsitta, and one of only four species of "blue macaws." Of the other three, the Glaucous Macaw has not been reliably sighted in over 50 years despite systematic searches and is presumed extinct. The Lear's Macaw is designated "Critical," and numbers in the low hundreds in the wild. The largest and best known of the four, the Hyacinth is now "Endangered" by the IUCN's Red List. Efforts to halt the trade in these species and to promote their recovery in the wild are ongoing in their native range in Brazil. A handfull of organizations are currently working to increase the small population of this wonderful blue Macaw.'s_Macaw
The Hyacinth Macaw
The Hyacinth Macaw. The largest of the Macaw's. With a $10,000-$12,000 price tag, only the select few own these gorgeous birds. Along with their hefty price tag, comes a high price to house and care for these birds. They need a specialized cage or enclosure due to the large beak and a specialized diet.
Fortunate that this is not the type of "impulse" purchase bird lovers usually get.
Dogs maul Campbellsport man's penned deer
***the dogs involved should have been PTS.
***the dogs involved should have been PTS.
Here's the typical twisting of truth
***Again, the MD ruling does not ban pitbulls! Geez! It simply states if your pitbull attacks, you are libel. Period, end of story. So, if people turn in their pitbull because of the ruling, well they weren't responsible owners anyway. There's no "one free bite or one free kill" anymore. Any owner of any dog that causes serious injury/death to a person or other domesticated animal should be libel.
***Again, the MD ruling does not ban pitbulls! Geez! It simply states if your pitbull attacks, you are libel. Period, end of story. So, if people turn in their pitbull because of the ruling, well they weren't responsible owners anyway. There's no "one free bite or one free kill" anymore. Any owner of any dog that causes serious injury/death to a person or other domesticated animal should be libel.
Ohio drops vicious tag for 'pit bull'
***There is all the verbage you typically see from dog shelters, pounds and rescue groups regarding the pitbull plight. Just because they are the most passed up dog, doesn't mean the average person looking for a dog should own one(and frankly the pitbull issue is not their problem). People need to continue to be honest about their abilities as a dog owner(including a secure fenced yard), their life style in regards to the type of dog that would best suit their family, when looking for a dog. Do not be "guilted" in getting a dog that you are unable to socialize, train and control.
***There is all the verbage you typically see from dog shelters, pounds and rescue groups regarding the pitbull plight. Just because they are the most passed up dog, doesn't mean the average person looking for a dog should own one(and frankly the pitbull issue is not their problem). People need to continue to be honest about their abilities as a dog owner(including a secure fenced yard), their life style in regards to the type of dog that would best suit their family, when looking for a dog. Do not be "guilted" in getting a dog that you are unable to socialize, train and control.
Dog attacks in Skokie lead to ordinance changes
***Thousands of dog on dog attacks go unreported. I think cities would be surprised of the real dog propblem if each victim would report each attack no matter how small.
***Thousands of dog on dog attacks go unreported. I think cities would be surprised of the real dog propblem if each victim would report each attack no matter how small.
Guide Dog Attacked,0,5844282.story
"Somehow, the pit bulls got loose from their owner and went after the dog. Because guide dogs are trained to be submissive, Marcell wouldn’t know to fight back."
"Somehow, the pit bulls got loose from their owner and went after the dog. Because guide dogs are trained to be submissive, Marcell wouldn’t know to fight back."
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Animal Planet – Surprisingly Terrible
I have to agree. TV these days is just full of these so called "reality" shows which is nothing but fake drama. When I want to watch fake drama, I tune to NCIS.
I have to agree. TV these days is just full of these so called "reality" shows which is nothing but fake drama. When I want to watch fake drama, I tune to NCIS.
POLICE: Dog mauled by loose pit bull in Dearborn Heights
"The owner offered to pay for the other dog’s medical bills." Hopefully he actually does.
"The owner offered to pay for the other dog’s medical bills." Hopefully he actually does.
Winning? Winning What?
Of course the Pit Posse seems to feel this county is "standing up" to the MD court decision. Why? The ruling didn't ban pitbulls, so just because the county shelter is adopting them out, so what? That just doesn't mean anything at all. Again, the ruling just holds owners responsible if their dog attacks. But that is really what has their dander up. They don't want to be held libel. So much for the "blame the owner" mantra.
Of course the Pit Posse seems to feel this county is "standing up" to the MD court decision. Why? The ruling didn't ban pitbulls, so just because the county shelter is adopting them out, so what? That just doesn't mean anything at all. Again, the ruling just holds owners responsible if their dog attacks. But that is really what has their dander up. They don't want to be held libel. So much for the "blame the owner" mantra.
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