To help educate people to make an informed decision regarding Pitbulls.

"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went"~Will Rogers
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Heads or Tails?
***Notice how dog aggression in Pits is usually avoided in Pitty Party comments
***Notice how dog aggression in Pits is usually avoided in Pitty Party comments
Cute Bloggers Entry
Looks like this blogger is requesting no cross posting. I encourage people to read her blog.
Looks like this blogger is requesting no cross posting. I encourage people to read her blog.
Court Opinion-Maryland
Upon a plaintiff’s sufficient proof that a dog involved in an attack is a pit bull or a pit bull
cross, and that the owner, or other person(s) who has the right to control the pit bull’s
presence on the subject premises (including a landlord who has a right to prohibit such dogs on leased premises) knows, or has reason to know, that the dog is a pit bull or cross-bred pit bull, that person is liable for the damages caused to a plaintiff who is attacked by the dog on or from the owner’s or lessor’s premises. In that case a plaintiff has established a prima facie case of negligence. When an attack involves pit bulls, it is no longer necessary to prove that the particular pit bull or pit bulls are dangerous.
Tracey v. Solesky
2012, Opinion by Cathell, J.
PIT BULL DOGS AND CROSS-BRED PIT BULL DOGSUpon a plaintiff’s sufficient proof that a dog involved in an attack is a pit bull or a pit bull
cross, and that the owner, or other person(s) who has the right to control the pit bull’s
presence on the subject premises (including a landlord who has a right to prohibit such dogs on leased premises) knows, or has reason to know, that the dog is a pit bull or cross-bred pit bull, that person is liable for the damages caused to a plaintiff who is attacked by the dog on or from the owner’s or lessor’s premises. In that case a plaintiff has established a prima facie case of negligence. When an attack involves pit bulls, it is no longer necessary to prove that the particular pit bull or pit bulls are dangerous.
UK dog attack-Mastiff
This is why US Mastiff rescue typically won't rescue a Mastiff with an aggressive past because aggression towards humans or other animals is unacceptable.
This is why US Mastiff rescue typically won't rescue a Mastiff with an aggressive past because aggression towards humans or other animals is unacceptable.
Looks like a Pitbull mix to me
Dog involved in fatal attack on 2 month old baby
American Pitbull Terrier
Someone commented they thought it was a Golden lab mix-
Here is a Golden Lab/Ret mix-so I don't think so. Also the other telling piece? The dismemberment often seen in a Pit attack.
Comment from a Pitbull Owner
"I have a pitbull & have been petitioning to save the pitbulls reputation for many years. I agree with much of what you say but those people who you see as haters aren't haters, they fear the breed due to what they've witnessed through the media, the damage they can cause should they bite, attack or fight. The people you should be targeting & labelling psychotic are those idiots who have pitbulls for the wrong reasons. Its those people who give pitbulls a bad name not those who fear the breed." This comment is going to get you more traction with others than 99% of the comments made by the Pitbull Group.
Now a crappy Pit Owner:
"You have to expose these sociopaths for what they are. If they are allowed to put these videos up with lies you have to expose them and show the world they are not people to be taken seriously when it comes to passing any bans or laws. Irresponsible owners and bad breeders are the root of EVERY dog's problems along with animal abusers. I understand that and I am addressing that also but I know these sociopaths need to be exposed who put these videos up on innocent dogs full of lies." Sorry but a video of a dog attack doesn't lie! Few other types of dogs other than pitbulls and their kind will continue to attack a dog after it's down.
Another stunning Pitbull owner:
"Any dog can be aggressive and attack anything...I have a pit and he is awesome....I don't use a leash to walk it, there are plenty of other dogs around too and he plays with them all the time...People need to stop being so bias against them..." "I don't use a leash to walk it"..humm..wonder what will be the trigger for this pitbull to attack?
Now a crappy Pit Owner:
"You have to expose these sociopaths for what they are. If they are allowed to put these videos up with lies you have to expose them and show the world they are not people to be taken seriously when it comes to passing any bans or laws. Irresponsible owners and bad breeders are the root of EVERY dog's problems along with animal abusers. I understand that and I am addressing that also but I know these sociopaths need to be exposed who put these videos up on innocent dogs full of lies." Sorry but a video of a dog attack doesn't lie! Few other types of dogs other than pitbulls and their kind will continue to attack a dog after it's down.
Another stunning Pitbull owner:
"Any dog can be aggressive and attack anything...I have a pit and he is awesome....I don't use a leash to walk it, there are plenty of other dogs around too and he plays with them all the time...People need to stop being so bias against them..." "I don't use a leash to walk it"..humm..wonder what will be the trigger for this pitbull to attack?
Blog entry
And a typical comment from the Pitty Party.
"When any of you ridiculously hateful pit bull haters come to your senses go the National Canine Council for accurate information about dogs and dog bites. But I doubt you idiots ever will. I have more faith in these dogs than any of you idiots."
And a typical comment from the Pitty Party.
"When any of you ridiculously hateful pit bull haters come to your senses go the National Canine Council for accurate information about dogs and dog bites. But I doubt you idiots ever will. I have more faith in these dogs than any of you idiots."
Dog attack
I'm glad the HS was being responsible by reporting Chocolates behavior towards other dogs. However, here is an example of a person who shouldn't have gotten such a dog as obviously she was not experienced enough to know the dog needed to be contained when out of the house. Sorry but no dog gets a free kill no matter who's at fault. It should be PTS.
I'm glad the HS was being responsible by reporting Chocolates behavior towards other dogs. However, here is an example of a person who shouldn't have gotten such a dog as obviously she was not experienced enough to know the dog needed to be contained when out of the house. Sorry but no dog gets a free kill no matter who's at fault. It should be PTS.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Happy Birthday David
Forever 24. "The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone." Harriet Beecher Stowe
Dog Quotes
When a man's best friend is his dog, that dog has a problem.
—Edward Abbey
—Edward Abbey
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.
—Robert Benchley
—Robert Benchley
The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog.
—Ambrose Bierce
—Ambrose Bierce
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
—Josh Billings
—Josh Billings
Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane.
—Smiley Blanton
—Smiley Blanton
Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face he gets mad at you?
But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window.
—Steve Bluestein
But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window.
—Steve Bluestein
Every puppy should have a boy.
—Erma Bombeck
—Erma Bombeck
In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him.
—Dereke Bruce, Taipei, Taiwan
—Dereke Bruce, Taipei, Taiwan
Of all the things I miss from veterinary practice, puppy breath is one of the most fond memories!
—Dr. Tom Cat
—Dr. Tom Cat
A house is not a home until it has a dog.
—Gerald Durrell
—Gerald Durrell
You enter into a certain amount of madness when you marry a person with pets.
—Nora Ephron
—Nora Ephron
A dog in the kitchen asks for no company.
—French Proverb
—French Proverb
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
—Robert A. Heinlein
—Robert A. Heinlein
Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot about puppies.
—Gene Hill
—Gene Hill
To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
—Aldous Huxley
—Aldous Huxley
Man is a dog's idea of what God should be.
—Holbrook Jackson
—Holbrook Jackson
Anybody who doesn’t know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.
—Franklin P. Jones
—Franklin P. Jones
Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.
—Ann Landers
—Ann Landers
No animal should ever jump up on the dining room furniture unless absolutely certain that he can hold his own in the conversation.
—Fran Lebowitz
—Fran Lebowitz
Outside of a dog, a book is probably man's best friend, and inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
—Groucho Marx
—Groucho Marx
Hardly any animal can look as deeply disappointed as a dog to whom one says No.
—Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
—Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does.
—Christopher Morley
—Christopher Morley
Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their lives.
—Sue Murphy
—Sue Murphy
Happiness is dog-shaped, I say.
—Chapman Pincher
—Chapman Pincher
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
—Andrew A. Rooney
—Andrew A. Rooney
I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.
—Rita Rudner
—Rita Rudner
I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts.
—John Steinbeck
—John Steinbeck
I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven't got the guts to bite people themselves.
—August Strindberg
—August Strindberg
If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons.
—James Thurber
—James Thurber
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
—Mark Twain
—Mark Twain
Ever consider what they must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul—chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!
—Anne Tyler
—Anne Tyler
My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to 99 cents a can.
That's almost $7.00 in dog money.
—Joe Weinstein
That's almost $7.00 in dog money.
—Joe Weinstein
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
—Ben Williams
—Ben Williams
It is fatal to let any dog know that he is funny, for he immediately loses his head and starts hamming it up.
—P. G. Wodehouse
—P. G. Wodehouse
Cat's motto: No matter what you've done wrong, always try to make it look like the dog did it.
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise.
In dog years, I'm dead.
Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail.
Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant.
There is no snooze button on a dog who wants breakfast.
Wild Dogs
The African wild dog is long-legged, with massive jaws and very large, erect batlike ears. Although it resembles some domestic dogs, it differs in that it has four toes on each foot instead of five.
Wild dogs live in packs of six to 20. If the pack numbers fall below six, hunting efficiency is eroded. The dogs have a peculiar rather playful ceremony that bonds them for a common purpose and initiates each hunt. They start circulating among the other pack members, vocalizing and touching until they get excited and are ready to hunt. They start the hunt in an organized, cooperative manner. When prey is targeted, some of the dogs run close to the animal, while others follow behind, taking over when the leader tired. They can run long distances, at speeds up to about 35 miles per hour.
Of the large carnivores, wild dogs are the most efficient hunters – targeted prey rarely escapes. They tear the flesh until the animal falls, consuming even if it is still alive. This behavior may prejudice people against them, although in reality it may be no worse than the prolonged kills of other carnivores. Apart from its undeniable bloodiness, the remarkable aspect of the their hunting is the complete lack of aggression toward each other. Wild dogs have a social hierarchy but unlike many other social animals, there is little obvious intimidation. They have elaborate greeting rituals, accompanied by twittering and whining. Their large range of vocalizations includes a short bark of alarm, a rallying howl and a bell-like contact call that can be heard over long distances.
They usually hunt in the early morning and again in late evening, prettying on gazelles and other antelopes, warthogs, wildebeests calves and rat and birds. They may raid domestic stock, but as wild dogs seldom stay in one place for long, this damage is not extensive
Wild dogs live in packs of six to 20. If the pack numbers fall below six, hunting efficiency is eroded. The dogs have a peculiar rather playful ceremony that bonds them for a common purpose and initiates each hunt. They start circulating among the other pack members, vocalizing and touching until they get excited and are ready to hunt. They start the hunt in an organized, cooperative manner. When prey is targeted, some of the dogs run close to the animal, while others follow behind, taking over when the leader tired. They can run long distances, at speeds up to about 35 miles per hour.
Of the large carnivores, wild dogs are the most efficient hunters – targeted prey rarely escapes. They tear the flesh until the animal falls, consuming even if it is still alive. This behavior may prejudice people against them, although in reality it may be no worse than the prolonged kills of other carnivores. Apart from its undeniable bloodiness, the remarkable aspect of the their hunting is the complete lack of aggression toward each other. Wild dogs have a social hierarchy but unlike many other social animals, there is little obvious intimidation. They have elaborate greeting rituals, accompanied by twittering and whining. Their large range of vocalizations includes a short bark of alarm, a rallying howl and a bell-like contact call that can be heard over long distances.
They usually hunt in the early morning and again in late evening, prettying on gazelles and other antelopes, warthogs, wildebeests calves and rat and birds. They may raid domestic stock, but as wild dogs seldom stay in one place for long, this damage is not extensive
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Puppy's life saved
Kind-hearted dog lovers are digging deep in their pockets and sending prayers out for a bright and alert puppy who was left with just weeks to live.
The lovely little Labrador pup has a medical condition that blocks food from getting to his tummy, starving him to death. Bred at aVets immediately diagnosed Persistent Right Aortic Arch which can only be rectified by expensive specialist keyhole surgery
Veterinary assistant Laura Gould has taken the pup to her heart and is now co-ordinating an appeal to fund the treatment for the puppy – which has been named Cadbury – partly because he is chocolate coloured and partly because he appeared in the lead-up to Easter.
"Dogsfriends, based at Rodney Stoke, are absolutely brilliant and go above and beyond what many other rescue centres do, they take on animals that some other centres would just turn away," she said.
"Cadbury was already suffering from malnutrition and was very skinny. We carried out a very thorough investigation and found he has Persistent Right Aortic Arch – where a large pocket of soft tissue has formed in his oesophagus.
"It means that when he eats the pocket of tissue collects the food and he vomits so the food doesn't reach his tummy.
"In the short-term we have been able to recommend a different way of eating so basically you elevate the front of his body and feed him small balls of food, waiting a few minutes before you feed him again.
"Labradors are always hungry but obviously Cadbury was starving. Sue Sparrow, from Bristol, is acting as foster mum for Cadbury. Thanks to her care the puppy is putting on weight and starting to enjoy life as he should be. Laura said he's put on enough weight now for him to have the keyhole surgery operation that will ultimately save his life.
"This week Cadbury is going to have his operation, at Highcroft Vets in Bristol, under specialist senior soft tissue surgeon Juliet Hatch," said Laura."It is a very big operation for such a little fellow. There certainly are risks, and the first 24 to 48 hours after the operation will be pretty critical for Cadbury."
Unfortunately the specialist surgery comes with quite a price tag. The operation itself will cost about £1,000 and the aftercare is expected to be the same.
"We've set up an appeal for Cadbury and staff at all our branches have joined in with the fundraising, baking cakes and putting together bags of dog treats to sell in our surgeries," said Laura.
Anyone who would like to donate can do so at the practice's surgeries in Wells, Cheddar and Blackford.
Laura added: "People are being very kind and we are all keeping our fingers crossed for Cadbury, who despite everything is so full of life."
Cadbury got through the operation OK.
An advocate for the victims
I know the Pitbull group would like victims to just "move on". This individual wants to "allow a safe site for victims of pit bull attacks to express their feelings and thoughts."
I know the Pitbull group would like victims to just "move on". This individual wants to "allow a safe site for victims of pit bull attacks to express their feelings and thoughts."
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Whats your favourite dog breed?
This is what these people think:
Dog may be put down but judge waits on vet
"Damian Willatt, defending, said steps had been taken to ensure the dog does not escape again, such as keeping him in a cage when his owner goes out."
"Damian Willatt, defending, said steps had been taken to ensure the dog does not escape again, such as keeping him in a cage when his owner goes out."
Looks like you just can't turn a Tibetan Mastiff into rescue on a whim
"Please understand, however, that any Tibetan Mastiff that has demonstrated unwarranted aggression to people, will neither be taken into TM Rescue, nor will we refer potential placement homes to you."
Mastiff rescue also does not take dogs that have a bite history or are aggressive.
"Please understand, however, that any Tibetan Mastiff that has demonstrated unwarranted aggression to people, will neither be taken into TM Rescue, nor will we refer potential placement homes to you."
Mastiff rescue also does not take dogs that have a bite history or are aggressive.
81-year-old Satsop woman mauled by pitbulls inside home
81 years old and part owner of pitbulls? I wonder if she was suffering from Alzheimer's?
81 years old and part owner of pitbulls? I wonder if she was suffering from Alzheimer's?
Show dogs? Oh Please!
Show dogs, huh? What are their registered names if they are show dogs? What shows were they entered in? $20,000 for a Pit? Sucker born every minute.
Show dogs, huh? What are their registered names if they are show dogs? What shows were they entered in? $20,000 for a Pit? Sucker born every minute.
Spoken like a Pit Nutter
The Pitty Party IS part of the problem. They do NOTHING to discourage people from getting these type of dogs. So some law IS better than nothing.
The Pitty Party IS part of the problem. They do NOTHING to discourage people from getting these type of dogs. So some law IS better than nothing.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Humm, very interesting indeed!
Well the grapevine is talking about the dog that was involved in the fatal attack on the two month old infant. On closer look at the dog, it appears to be a Pit mix(other aspects look like GR but face looks like a Pit). A poster showed a listing of a Lab mix where again it looks like a pit mix. So, again, here goes the Pitty Party attempts to shed themselves of these dogs that, they normally have a hard time finding homes for, by passing them off as something else. It would behoove people to get a signed statement from the person they buy a dog from that they are declaring it to be XYZ so in the event something happens...I personally would sue for false misrepresentation that had dire consequences. Guess this is right up there with calling dogs pulled from a dog fighting raid as "bait dogs" rather than fighting dogs.
The Story of Rhett by Meals on Wheels(grab a tissue)
I’m walking just two and not three dogs today,
A little girl notes, “Where’s Rhett?” she does say.
*“He was attacked by a pit bull, but he’s home and o.k..”
Then a wistful smile fades, and her face turns to gray,
“My Chihuahua was killed by one too, by the way.”
There’s a lump in my throat, oh dear, what can I say?
Empty words, sympathy, or a tired old cliché?
“My sweet little friend, when you play,
Or you’re walking your dog, don’t stray too far away
From you home, because pit bulls get loose, or they’re strays,
And find Chihuahuas and children to be easy prey.
So if there’s a pit bull, run home, don’t delay!
And ask God to “Please keep me safe.” when you pray!
*Rhett passed away three weeks to the day he was attacked by a pitbull type dog
of a stroke. He died in his owner’s arms. RIP, Handsome Rhett.
His story can be found at
*****Ah Rhett, your story is so sad. At least you had the comfort of your loving owner in the end. There is a special place for those type of Pit Owners and their dogs and it isn't over the Rainbow Bridge!
A little girl notes, “Where’s Rhett?” she does say.
*“He was attacked by a pit bull, but he’s home and o.k..”
Then a wistful smile fades, and her face turns to gray,
“My Chihuahua was killed by one too, by the way.”
There’s a lump in my throat, oh dear, what can I say?
Empty words, sympathy, or a tired old cliché?
“My sweet little friend, when you play,
Or you’re walking your dog, don’t stray too far away
From you home, because pit bulls get loose, or they’re strays,
And find Chihuahuas and children to be easy prey.
So if there’s a pit bull, run home, don’t delay!
And ask God to “Please keep me safe.” when you pray!
*Rhett passed away three weeks to the day he was attacked by a pitbull type dog
of a stroke. He died in his owner’s arms. RIP, Handsome Rhett.
His story can be found at
*****Ah Rhett, your story is so sad. At least you had the comfort of your loving owner in the end. There is a special place for those type of Pit Owners and their dogs and it isn't over the Rainbow Bridge!
I read often alot of nasty little comments about Colleen from Dogsbite by the Pitty Party. You can tell by the wordings that they are very threatened by her and her mission. As well they should be. Colleen has taken a personal situation and made it her mission to heighten awareness of dog attacks and everything related including advocating for legislation to protect human and animal victims of dog attacks. She should be congratulated. But of course her mission counters the mission of the Pitty Party. They would prefer the average JPQ only become "educated" and "informed" by their mantra which centers only around getting the loads of pitbulls in shelters into homes. Whether the person is a good candidate to be a owner of a pitbull is irrelevant. Because of course they can always claim later, bad owner, if an attack happens. And I'm sure their continuing lack of concern for victims of dog attacks(because of course their concern is only about the pitbull) only strengthens Colleen's resolve.
Neighbors want answers after weekend dog attack
Two large dogs like that in an apartment. Humm, sounds like another Diane Whipple waiting to happen.
Two large dogs like that in an apartment. Humm, sounds like another Diane Whipple waiting to happen.
That's one way to do it...,0,7888001.story
Well, I don't blame the Postal Service. Maybe the residents of the neighborhood and find out who is letting their dogs run loose and have a little chat with them.
Well, I don't blame the Postal Service. Maybe the residents of the neighborhood and find out who is letting their dogs run loose and have a little chat with them.
How very, very sad.
"The purpose of this email is to inform you that 3 animals have died today (all on the same street, in 3 different backyards) due to 2 pitballs who are loose on the streets of Fisher ACT.
These deadly animals need to be taken and put down before our children are their next victim. Residence of Ballarat and Rosebery Street have been informed by Rangers to keep your children indoors as these dogs are likely to return.
Please alert all residence within Fisher that they are not safe. And to the owner of the dogs, please hand your dogs in and save yourselves from future prosecution for the death of a person.
We cannot continue to live in fear like this."
These deadly animals need to be taken and put down before our children are their next victim. Residence of Ballarat and Rosebery Street have been informed by Rangers to keep your children indoors as these dogs are likely to return.
Please alert all residence within Fisher that they are not safe. And to the owner of the dogs, please hand your dogs in and save yourselves from future prosecution for the death of a person.
We cannot continue to live in fear like this."
The Pitty Party likes to invoke Cesar's name because he has pitbulls. Huge difference! The average pitbull owner doesn't have his monthly income, staff to supervise the dogs, etc. Also if you think fights aren't happening when the camera isn't rolling, you are dumber than I thought.
The Pitty Party likes to invoke Cesar's name because he has pitbulls. Huge difference! The average pitbull owner doesn't have his monthly income, staff to supervise the dogs, etc. Also if you think fights aren't happening when the camera isn't rolling, you are dumber than I thought.
He got more ice cream than I did!
"A resident in Gainesville, GA, has asked city council what she needs to do to get a breed ban passed. Council has decided to do some research with local animal control.
If you live in or around Gainesville, please reach out to council members and respectfully assist them with their research. Explain why breed-specific laws are ineffective, unfair, expensive, and difficult to enforce. Provide them with acceptable breed-neutral alternatives."
I see the word, Unfair, by the Pitty Party alot. You know what's really unfair? Is for any human or animal to lose it's life to a dangerous dog. No dog measure is easy to enforce. But too many owners of pitbulls have already shown the lives of others are not as important as the lives of pitbulls. The recent killing of a deaf woman's dog is a prime example. So sometimes communities gotta do what they gotta do. Geez you would think there's no other kind of dog to own. Sorry if your lives are so limited.
If you live in or around Gainesville, please reach out to council members and respectfully assist them with their research. Explain why breed-specific laws are ineffective, unfair, expensive, and difficult to enforce. Provide them with acceptable breed-neutral alternatives."
I see the word, Unfair, by the Pitty Party alot. You know what's really unfair? Is for any human or animal to lose it's life to a dangerous dog. No dog measure is easy to enforce. But too many owners of pitbulls have already shown the lives of others are not as important as the lives of pitbulls. The recent killing of a deaf woman's dog is a prime example. So sometimes communities gotta do what they gotta do. Geez you would think there's no other kind of dog to own. Sorry if your lives are so limited.
Fighting for our right to be wrong-Letter to the Editor-Trinidad
Some things start off idiotic and then go downhill from there. Take for instance the rally by the pitbull owners to fight the law that has been passed to safeguard the public from these dangerous animals. One look at the group’s event advertising and what jumps out is the capitalised “Do not bring your dogs,” which, if you know me at all and because it seemed like such a strange and bizarre admonition for a pro-pit-bull rally, I found myself asking why?
Why leave out the star of the show in all his foaming, snarling glory? Is it because they know full well that the public associates any image of that animal with death? Or were they afraid of a couple of these cuties taking a turn at each other or, worse, innocent onlookers?
I asked (politely) if I could bring the survivors of pitbull attacks and the families who lost loved ones (when these cute and cuddly monsters “trip off and go feral”) just to show the handiwork of this breed, the one responsible for more than 90 per cent of the killings by canines in this country, but I was turned down. I guess there’s no room for things like truth and evidence when misdirection is the flavour of the day.
The fact that the word “pitbull” made it onto the top ten words for fear alongside long-time heavy hitters like “shark,” “snake,” “fire” and “rape” took some doing, wouldn’t you think? And the fact that that fact alone prompted the American Kennel Association to rename (yes, believe it or not) the pitbull the Staffordshire Terrier to get around zoning laws in areas that specifically prohibits the breed and any derivatives of it is again a classic example of misdirection.
The best deflection of all is that there are no dangerous dogs, only bad owners. If this is indeed the case then what a remarkable coincidence that all the bad owners ended up choosing this one particular breed to mess with. Doesn’t that strike you as just a tad strange?
Moving on. The trained deflectors have resorted to an immediate fear campaign to fool the public, and as we’re here I would like to take this opportunity to debunk all for you in quick time:
• Thousands of pitbulls will be “released” by people who cannot afford them under the new legislation. False. Releasing any animal is first and foremost a cruelty to animals charge, and could also attract a public endangerment charge among others for releasing a dangerous animal.
Should the worst occur the Ministry of Agriculture (not the TTSPCA) has the legal responsibility to deal with this and can, so don’t be fooled by visions of packs of pitbulls roaming the streets.
• Pitbull owners will switch to another “dangerous” breed. False. Firstly, while there are other big and ferocious dogs, none are as predisposed or purposely bred for these traits as a pitbull. Secondly, the psyche profile of a pitbull owner is different to the psyche profile of a dog or a pet owner. These people do not get pitbulls because they want a dog, they get pitbulls because they want pitbulls and all the machismo that comes with it.
• Bandits will overrun the country. Steups.
I for one am very impressed with the testicular fortitude demonstrated by the Attorney General in bringing this legislation and making it law. I always say I will support anyone who is doing right by the people of this country, and this legislation, short of an outright ban on these ridiculously ferocious animals, is the absolute right thing to do.
Every single pitbull owner who was in turn mauled to death by his own dogs must have felt like a right fool and complete moronic idiot at the end when (surprise, surprise) all the nonsense they were spewing about the cuddliness of the breed came home to haunt them in spades.
Everything else they come up with in defence of this trade is pure hogwash and should be ignored. I implore you to keep this one thought in your mind: While a greyhound is bred for speed and a pompek or a Chihuahua for size, a pitbull is specifically bred to fight other ferocious and aggressive animals to the death, and to hold on to whatever it has sunk its teeth into until it stops breathing.
Mr Attorney General, on behalf of all those who survived senseless, unprovoked and horrendous attacks (albeit scarred for life) and those who (sadly) did not, I say thank you. But more importantly, on behalf of the generations who will grow up in a country of fewer and fewer of these obscenely ferocious animals where the risk of an unexpected, murderous attack will become less and less, I say thank you very much indeed.
Via e-mail
Why leave out the star of the show in all his foaming, snarling glory? Is it because they know full well that the public associates any image of that animal with death? Or were they afraid of a couple of these cuties taking a turn at each other or, worse, innocent onlookers?
I asked (politely) if I could bring the survivors of pitbull attacks and the families who lost loved ones (when these cute and cuddly monsters “trip off and go feral”) just to show the handiwork of this breed, the one responsible for more than 90 per cent of the killings by canines in this country, but I was turned down. I guess there’s no room for things like truth and evidence when misdirection is the flavour of the day.
The fact that the word “pitbull” made it onto the top ten words for fear alongside long-time heavy hitters like “shark,” “snake,” “fire” and “rape” took some doing, wouldn’t you think? And the fact that that fact alone prompted the American Kennel Association to rename (yes, believe it or not) the pitbull the Staffordshire Terrier to get around zoning laws in areas that specifically prohibits the breed and any derivatives of it is again a classic example of misdirection.
The best deflection of all is that there are no dangerous dogs, only bad owners. If this is indeed the case then what a remarkable coincidence that all the bad owners ended up choosing this one particular breed to mess with. Doesn’t that strike you as just a tad strange?
Moving on. The trained deflectors have resorted to an immediate fear campaign to fool the public, and as we’re here I would like to take this opportunity to debunk all for you in quick time:
• Thousands of pitbulls will be “released” by people who cannot afford them under the new legislation. False. Releasing any animal is first and foremost a cruelty to animals charge, and could also attract a public endangerment charge among others for releasing a dangerous animal.
Should the worst occur the Ministry of Agriculture (not the TTSPCA) has the legal responsibility to deal with this and can, so don’t be fooled by visions of packs of pitbulls roaming the streets.
• Pitbull owners will switch to another “dangerous” breed. False. Firstly, while there are other big and ferocious dogs, none are as predisposed or purposely bred for these traits as a pitbull. Secondly, the psyche profile of a pitbull owner is different to the psyche profile of a dog or a pet owner. These people do not get pitbulls because they want a dog, they get pitbulls because they want pitbulls and all the machismo that comes with it.
• Bandits will overrun the country. Steups.
I for one am very impressed with the testicular fortitude demonstrated by the Attorney General in bringing this legislation and making it law. I always say I will support anyone who is doing right by the people of this country, and this legislation, short of an outright ban on these ridiculously ferocious animals, is the absolute right thing to do.
Every single pitbull owner who was in turn mauled to death by his own dogs must have felt like a right fool and complete moronic idiot at the end when (surprise, surprise) all the nonsense they were spewing about the cuddliness of the breed came home to haunt them in spades.
Everything else they come up with in defence of this trade is pure hogwash and should be ignored. I implore you to keep this one thought in your mind: While a greyhound is bred for speed and a pompek or a Chihuahua for size, a pitbull is specifically bred to fight other ferocious and aggressive animals to the death, and to hold on to whatever it has sunk its teeth into until it stops breathing.
Mr Attorney General, on behalf of all those who survived senseless, unprovoked and horrendous attacks (albeit scarred for life) and those who (sadly) did not, I say thank you. But more importantly, on behalf of the generations who will grow up in a country of fewer and fewer of these obscenely ferocious animals where the risk of an unexpected, murderous attack will become less and less, I say thank you very much indeed.
Via e-mail
Owner consequences
"Harvey alleged the defendants knew they had dangerous dogs because the same pit bulls escaped from their yard on Christmas Day 2010 and attacked a man who was walking his puppy. The puppy suffered a broken jaw and the man was bitten." This is why all dog attacks need to be reported. If a dog attacks another dog, it can well attack a human. And in my opinion, an attack is an attack whether it's on a dog or a human. These owners chose to have a dog that can cause serious injury/death. They need to have serious consequences.
"Harvey alleged the defendants knew they had dangerous dogs because the same pit bulls escaped from their yard on Christmas Day 2010 and attacked a man who was walking his puppy. The puppy suffered a broken jaw and the man was bitten." This is why all dog attacks need to be reported. If a dog attacks another dog, it can well attack a human. And in my opinion, an attack is an attack whether it's on a dog or a human. These owners chose to have a dog that can cause serious injury/death. They need to have serious consequences.
Victims need to report each and every attack
No matter how much you like the neighbor and the dog(s) involved. ALL attacks on people and other pets must be reported. If a person or animal isn't seriously injured or killed this time, it could happen the next and they look for patterns of behavior regarding the dog(s) past history. This would not be identified without a report.
Totally Inhumane
If one of the dogs killed another dog, they should have been taken by AC. "Mendoza had claimed his pet fox terrier had been mauled by one of Mr Hargreaves' dogs and was given permission to shoot all the dogs on the property." And who gave permission? Even if the dogs owner did, this is wrong in every which way you look at it.
If one of the dogs killed another dog, they should have been taken by AC. "Mendoza had claimed his pet fox terrier had been mauled by one of Mr Hargreaves' dogs and was given permission to shoot all the dogs on the property." And who gave permission? Even if the dogs owner did, this is wrong in every which way you look at it.
Another irresponsible owner
The dog needs to be PTS. What a surprise the owner isn't taking responsibility. Typical. So sad you need to be packed with heat just to take a walk. But this is an example why you should because this can happen.
The dog needs to be PTS. What a surprise the owner isn't taking responsibility. Typical. So sad you need to be packed with heat just to take a walk. But this is an example why you should because this can happen.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
There otta be a law!
"But there is no law allowing Animal Services to remove and destroy a biting dog" There should be!
"But there is no law allowing Animal Services to remove and destroy a biting dog" There should be!
Older article
Well I guess when you don't have a gun handy, a car will do.
Well I guess when you don't have a gun handy, a car will do.
Well how incredibly stupid
Everyone knows that a loose dog has a chance of getting shot by a cop. Why someone opened the door and allowed the dogs to come out was just stupid. In the situation happening, only the most trained and well behaved dog is doing to listen to a command to halt it's advance on a person they perceive as a threat. I doubt that includes many pits or pit mixes. I sure can't say my Mastiff's would.
Everyone knows that a loose dog has a chance of getting shot by a cop. Why someone opened the door and allowed the dogs to come out was just stupid. In the situation happening, only the most trained and well behaved dog is doing to listen to a command to halt it's advance on a person they perceive as a threat. I doubt that includes many pits or pit mixes. I sure can't say my Mastiff's would.
Oh blah, blah, blah
Notice how he does the typical pitty response where he skirts the issue of dog aggression in pits. Ya know, they way these pitty people act, you would think there's not another kind of dog for them to choose from. People choose dogs for protection because they want a dog that will become aggressive.
Notice how he does the typical pitty response where he skirts the issue of dog aggression in pits. Ya know, they way these pitty people act, you would think there's not another kind of dog for them to choose from. People choose dogs for protection because they want a dog that will become aggressive.
Houston Chronicle Report Equals More Bad News For Pit Bull Owners
"Texas, has a law on the books that makes it illegal to regulate dogs by breed int his state." This is kinda surprising as I heard they have an express way for people on death row.
"Texas, has a law on the books that makes it illegal to regulate dogs by breed int his state." This is kinda surprising as I heard they have an express way for people on death row.
Young punk with a pair of pit's he's obviously breeding and can't control.
Young punk with a pair of pit's he's obviously breeding and can't control.
Dog Attack-Sorry just not good enough
The dog needs to be PTS! This is why if a Pitbull has attacked before, you can't trust the owner to do the right thing to ensure the safety of others.
The dog needs to be PTS! This is why if a Pitbull has attacked before, you can't trust the owner to do the right thing to ensure the safety of others.
Dog attack-Dogo Argentino
Article noted Cane Corso, these are Dogo Argentino dogs.
Article noted Cane Corso, these are Dogo Argentino dogs.
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