"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went"~Will Rogers

Friday, April 13, 2012

Now, children, what have we learned....


"Owners of a mixed terrier called LMPD to report that another dog attacked their dog Jack. The owners informed police that this was the fourth incident between the two dogs, but only one previous attack was reported.
They were walking their dog along Burns Road when a Stafford terrier pitbull, Lucy, began chasing after Jack. Lucy was on the front lawn of its owner’s property, but was not wearing a leash. He went off the property to engage with the other animal.
The owner tried to protect Jack and got in the middle of the two dogs. She suffered a laceration to her middle finger and a bruise on her right knee, but did not need medical attention. Lucy’s owner’s, the Elwood’s, were made aware of the incident and issued a citation for confinement of dogs."

***Report every dog attack. This should not have happened 4 times before the owner of the dog victim takes it a step further to protect their dog.