To help educate people to make an informed decision regarding Pitbulls.

"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went"~Will Rogers
Friday, March 30, 2012
It's all on how they were raised?
Pitbull people will claim that a dog that attacked was not raised properly or abused. However, this is just to blanket of a statement to make. Many factors can come into play such as inherent breed traits(Pitbulls have a tendency to be dog aggressive), lack of socialization and training and individual dog personaility. Also there are many well loved dogs that have attacked. Rachael Ray's dog is a prime example. Again aggression towards people or other pets is never to be tolerated. An example, my Irish Setter is 12 years old..spends most of the day just laying around. My Dogue de Bordeaux believes only he gets to be the guard dog and bark the "Intruder Alert". One day as my Irish Setter lay by the desk, the door bell rang. Now they have lived together with no problem for 6 years. The Setter just barked and my Dogue flew at him and attacked. I grabbed him off the Setter(since he's a Dogue de Bordeaux I didn't need a break stick) and put him in a down stay for an hour. He was then not given any affection for the rest of the day and the next. He made sure that when he was near the Setter, he was on his best behavior. He was reminded that I am the Alpha.