To help educate people to make an informed decision regarding Pitbulls.

"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went"~Will Rogers
Saturday, March 31, 2012
When reviewing Pitbull websites.....
You will notice they all have the same theme. To educate the public about a breed they feel is misunderstodd. Yet very little if any effort is made to educate people, who are researching the type of dog they want to adopt, on whether the Pitbull is the right dog for them. You need to be your own advocate. I am a firm believer that many animals are in shelters due to be people not doing their research and finding out after they get the dog home that it's not the right dog for them. For example, do you like to jog and want a running partner? Well then the Mastiff is not the breed for you. Do you have little time to socialize, exercise, train and supervise your dog on a consistent basis? Then the Pitbull is probably not the right dog for you. Remember there are many breeds and mixes looking for homes. Do not adopt a dog because you feel sorry for it. If it's not the right dog for you, you are not doing it any favors.